Saturday, July 3, 2010


(note: heard for the very first time the pronunciation of this post's title, "minutiae" ... and it is WEIRD. even in singular form its weird. to digress, you can tell you're a reader when you know how to spell and use words before knowing how to pronounce them. i'm proud of this in my snobby-reader way.) (extra digression: another word i don't know how to pronounce is "albeit." will look it up after this post.)

what was i gonna write about, again?

oh, right... topic of choice: minutiae.

1. how little girls play "house." sooo cute/funny. and being the mom is always the best role. sister, daughter, aunt are secondary. grandma, teacher, and family dog, tertiary. and you can tell who's gonna grow up to be an alpha-type female, because she's the one utterly insisting in her bossy voice, "NO, I'M THE MOM! THIS IS THE KITCHEN! I'M THE MOM AND I'M COOKING DINNER! YOU'RE AT SCHOOL RIGHT NOW!" this game is hilarious... and all girls, all over the world, play this game. it's even more funny how this game has relatively no point, no story, no climax, no problem, no beginning, and definitely no conclusion. it's just this relentless mimic of adult daily life... also interesting to note that boys don't have their own version, i.e. play dad/son/uncle roles, "going to work" and "mowing the yard" and whatnot.

2. how little kids scream when they're playing. lmffaaoo. hysterical laughing and screaming that usually accompanies chasing games. i have next door neighbors who have children, and they also always have family come over, with other children. they also have a pool (to be implicitly understood: the effect a pool has on kids, namely: euphoria.) so my family often hears them screaming and yelling all the time. not in an annoying way... but it's pretty familiar background noise to us. and the other day i just thought about how funny it is that kids scream when they're playing... when do we lose that?

3. watching tv: listening to what a person has to say, in silence, until they've finished. pause. then remarking, "her teeth are weird." "i know! it was bugging me!"


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