Sunday, May 2, 2010

before and after

that was the before; here's the after

when a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. (jonathan swift, "thoughts on various subjects, moral and diverting")

i'm not in any way asserting that i am a genius, nor on the track to become one. i engage in all sorts of dumb practices like forgetting to take my keys and arriving home after 3am, or exiting a parking lot through the path that takes me the longest (and only realizing i've done so once i'm too far gone -- ah, well. next time i'll remember to go out the other way.)

i just wanted to reference this quote (from the beginning page of my A Confederacy of Dunces) because lately, my major has been eliciting the most disapproving, condescending, and dismissive reactions. as soon as (ignorant) people hear me say "philosophy," i can visually observe a multitude of connotations, generalizations, and assumptions start clamoring inside their heads...

anyway, this is me in poses with lots of leg creativity. hahaha. thats the effect black leggings have on you. i really live in these heel-out leggings, because i have this funny idea that the way they make my legs look thinner + are black makes me look like a spider. and i weirdly really like that, so i have like 8 pairs. hahaha.

btw i'm a UCLA bruin now. see photos. the first three are me as an arachnid without an identity. the second two are those in which i, now blessed with a UCLA permanent ID, am representin'.

1 comment:

  1. I love your hair, such pretty soft curls! & I love your lips as well! So full & plump--doesn't that sound like I'm a total creep? HAHA!

    & thanks for your comment! My complexion is no where near perfect though :( My skin is #1 on my list of things I hate about myself, LOL.

    xxoo <3
